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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

4 ingredients for pleasure

Why pleasure is fundamental to the success of any business. And Will Guidara's 4 ingredients for pleasure in the workplace.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

An experiment in motivation

At a final dress rehearsal, I invited the musicians to ask themselves, “what would make you proud?” It was an experiment in motivation - one that had a surprise side-benefit for myself.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

Confidence is a perception problem

A definition of confidence I found too good not to share. Maybe the solution to our low confidence in ourselves and our people are these two simple steps.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

The awkward stage

We all know that change is hard. We hear it again and again. And it's easy to get stuck knowing it's hard and not knowing what to do about it. I found Sam Horn's 4 A's of habit change helpful to manage this challenge - especially the second A: awkward.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

Hold the spotlight

The Spotlight Principle on how to be the most powerful person in the room. And 3 ways we may already do this as conductors.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

3 ways to make teamwork easier

When we add more musicians, teamwork just becomes a harder task. The conductor simply makes it easier. Here are 3 ways leaders can make teamwork easier.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

The power of process praise

Specific praise is fantastic. What's more powerful? Specific praise focused on process. It helps us all become better.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

Good leadership is boring

Why is good leadership boring? Here's something I learned from business author and historian Martin Gutmann.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

5 lessons after 200 posts

This is my 200th post! To celebrate, here are 5 lessons I learned. Thank you for being a part of my journey. Thank you for witnessing it. I hope it provides you value, growth, and camaraderie.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

The secret second job

Everyone has two jobs: 1) the job they’re hired to do and 2) managing everyone else’s perception of them. Do you have this secret second job? What does it look like? How could you eliminate it?

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

Make excellence less scarce

We can make excellence less scarce by finding more data points to measure excellence.. Here are some areas to consider. Which ones can you start being ambitious about?

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

The paradox of integrity

I realized that the more integrity we have, the more uncertain we become. And that can be misinterpreted as lack of confidence. It's a paradox.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

What makes a team?

Putting people in a group doesn't automatically make them a team. How do we make them a team? Here are 4 things we can do as leaders.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

Increase our devotion

Musicians already excel at high standards. Now we need to excel at high devotion. Here's what that means and 5 ways leaders can do it.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

How to play the status game

What do we get from fame, fortune, and power? It's not what you might think. When we understand this, we can change the rules of the status game.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

Dysfunctions begin with trust

What are the 5 dysfunctions of a team? And how do they function as a chain reaction? I share one of business management author Patrick Lencioni's most celebrated ideas.

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Tiffany Chang Tiffany Chang

A leader's superpower

What is a great leader's superpower? They make you believe in you. Here are 5 ways they do this and 5 benefits we reap when they go the extra mile.

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